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(Start Here)API Reference: OverviewCreating an API KeyUsing PostmanAPPLY BRANDINGQR Code DesignsGet all QR Code DesignsgetGet QR Code DesigngetUpdate QR Code DesignputArchive QR Code DesigndeleteRestore QR Code DesignpatchCreate QR Code designpostPayment DesignsGet all payment designsgetGet payment designgetUpdate payment designputArchive payment designdeleteRestore payment designpatchCreate payment designpostATTRACT VISITORSAmenitiesGet all AmenitiesgetCreate AmenitypostUpdate AmenityputArchive AmenitydeleteRestore AmenitypatchDiningGet all Dining infogetCreate Dining infopostUpdate Dining infoputArchive Dining infodeleteRestore Dining infopatchGamingGet all Gaming detailsgetCreate Gaming infopostUpdate Gaming infoputArchive Gaming infodeleteRestore Gaming infopatchGalleryGet all Gallery ImagesgetCreate Gallery ImagepostUpdate Gallery ImageputArchive Gallery ImagedeleteRestore Gallery ImagepatchQuick LinksGet all Quick LinksgetGet Quick LinkgetUpdate Quick LinkputArchive Quick LinkdeleteRestore Quick LinkpatchCreate Quick LinkpostQuick Links SectionGet all quick link sectionsgetCreate quick link sectionpostUpdate quick link sectionputArchive quick link sectiondeleteRestore quick link sectionpatchLoungeGet all LoungesgetCreate LoungepostUpdate LoungeputArchive LoungedeleteRestore LoungepatchShort LinksGet all Short LinksgetGet Short LinkgetUpdate Short LinkputArchive Short LinkdeleteRestore Short LinkpatchCreate Short LinkpostGet Short Link trafficgetNewsGet all News & Blog postsgetCreate News & Blog postpostUpdate News & Blog postputArchive News & Blog postdeleteRestore News & Blog postpatchPerformancesGet all PerformancesgetGet PerformancegetUpdate PerformanceputArchive PerformancedeleteRestore PerformancepatchUpdate performance's Ticket SettingspostCreate performancepostImport Performance's TicketspostExport Performance's TicketspostCount Performance's claimed TicketsgetCount Performance's redeemed TicketsgetGet Performance's TicketsgetGet Peformance's TicketsgetProductsGet all ProductsgetCreate ProductpostUpdate ProductputArchive ProductdeleteRestore ProductpatchRoom RatesGet all Rooms & RatesgetCreate Room & RatepostUpdate Room & RateputArchive Room & RatedeleteRestore Room & RatepatchServicesGet all ServicesgetCreate ServicepostUpdate ServiceputArchive ServicedeleteRestore ServicepatchVideosGet all VideosgetCreate VideopostUpdate VideoputArchive VideodeleteRestore VideopatchVirtual Business CardGet all Virtual Business CardsgetGet Virtual Business CardgetUpdate Virtual Business CardputArchive Virtual Business CarddeleteRestore Virtual Business CardpatchCreate Virtual Business CardpostGet Virtual Business Card trafficgetEXCITE SUBSCRIBERSApple Wallet SubscribersGet all subscribersgetGet subscriber activitygetApp-to-Person (A2P) RegistrationGet A2P ApplicationgetCreate A2P ApplicationpostGet A2P RegistrationgetUpdate A2P ApplicationputEmail SubscribersGet all Email SubscribersgetCreate Email SubscriberpostUpdate Email SubscriberputArchive Email SubscriberdeleteRestore Email SubscriberpatchSMS OperationsGet SMS AgreementgetAcquire phone numberpostRequest phone number verificationputUpdate phone numberputArchive phone numberdeleteRestore phone numberpatchGet blocked TCPA entriesgetGet opt in listsgetGet opt in sourcesgetCreate opt in listpostSave opt in listputSend SMS to opt in listpostSave opt in list sourceputGet all opt in list sourcesgetGet outbound SMSgetCount outbound SMSgetGet outbound SMSes by pagegetGet opt in list subscribersgetGet opt in list subscribers by pagegetCount opt in list subscribersgetImport opt in list subscriberspostExport opt in list subscriberspostGet opt in source subscribersgetCount opt in source subscribersgetGet payment object broadcastsgetCreate imported listpostSave imported listputGet imported list recipientsgetGet imported list recipients by pagegetCount imported list recipientsgetAdd new recipient in an imported listpostArchive recipientdeleteRestore recipientpatchImport imported list recipientspostImport imported list recipients from a given membership tierpostExport imported list recipientspostRetrieve the number of messages sent by the merchant within the current billing cyclegetSMS SubscribersGet all SMS SubscribersgetCreate SMS SubscriberpostUpdate SMS SubscriberputArchive SMS SubscriberdeleteRestore SMS SubscriberpatchMOTIVATE CUSTOMERSPromotion CodesGet all Promotion CodesgetCreate Promotion CodepostUpdate Promotion CodeputArchive Promotion CodedeleteRestore Promotion CodepatchPrizesGet all PrizesgetGet PrizegetUpdate PrizeputArchive PrizedeleteRestore PrizepatchCreate PrizepostGet Prizes awardedgetDynamic VouchersGet all Dynamic Voucher CampaignsgetGet Dynamic Voucher CampaigngetUpdate Dynamic Voucher CampaignputGet Dynamic Voucher Campaign RedemptionsgetCreate Dynamic Voucher CampaignpostArchive Dynamic Voucher CampaigndeleteRestore Dynamic Voucher CampaignpatchGet the reach statistics of all the dynamic vouchersgetGet the reach statistics of an individual dynamic vouchergetMerchant CreditsCount all Merchant CreditsgetGet Merchant CreditspostGet Merchant CreditgetUpdate Merchant CreditputArchive Merchant CreditdeleteRestore Merchant CreditpatchCreate Merchant CreditpostSearch for Merchant Credits with Member IDpostGet historypostGet redemption logpostStatic Voucher CampaignsGet all Static Vouchers CampaignsgetGet Static Vouchers CampaigngetCount vouchers in Static Vouchers CampaigngetCount redeemed vouchers in Static Vouchers CampaigngetGet redeemed vouchers in Static Vouchers CampaigngetDuplicate Static Vouchers CampaignpostGet vouchers in Static Vouchers CampaigngetGet vouchers in Static Vouchers CampaigngetGet Static Vouchers Campaign trafficgetView vouchers in Static Voucher CampaignputCreate Static Voucher Campaign with single voucherpostUpdate Static Voucher Campaign with single voucherputImport Static Voucher CampaignpostCreate Static Voucher CampaignpostArchive Static Voucher CampaigndeleteRestore Static Voucher CampaignpatchUpdate Static Voucher CampaignputGet Static Voucher Campaign performance overviewgetGet the reach statistics of all Static Voucher CampaignsgetGet the reach statistics of a single Static Voucher CampaigngetStatic VouchersGet Static VouchergetUpdate Static VoucherputDelete Static VoucherdeleteCreate Static VoucherpostGet reach statistics of all Static VouchersgetGet reach statistics of a single Static VouchergetTicketsGet TicketgetUpdate TicketputArchive TicketdeleteRestore TicketpatchCreate TicketpostREWARD MEMBERSClub MembersCount MembersgetGet MemberspostGet MembergetUpdate MemberputArchive MemberdeleteRestore MemberpatchCreate MemberpostSearch for MemberspostGet Member historypostGet Member redemption logpostMembership TiersGet all Membership TiersgetGet all Membership Tiers with member countgetGet Membership TiergetUpdate Membership TierputArchive Membership TierdeleteRestore Membership TierpatchCreate Membership TierpostGet Membership Tier historypostGet Membership Tier redemption logpostCONNECT INTEGRATIONSInfoGenesis ReportsGet requestgetGet requestspostGet responsespostGet response errorsgetGet queriespostGet queries errorspostGet redemptionspostGet transactionspostGet redeemed static voucherspostGet refunded static voucherspostGet refundspostGet authorizationspostGet redeemed unique posting IDsgetGet refunded unique posting IDspostGet campaign informationpostCount redeemed ad creditspostCount refunded ad creditspostCount redeemed merchant creditspostCount refunded merchant creditspostCount redeemed membership pointspostCount refunded membership pointspostCount tier redemptionspostCount tier refundspostCount dynamic voucher redemptionspostCount dynamic voucher refundspostCount static voucher redemptionspostCount static voucher refundspostWallet Transaction LedgerGet ledger entriesgetPoint-of-Sale ConfigurationGet all PoS machinesgetCreate PoS machinepostUpdate PoS machineputArchive PoS machinedeleteRestore PoS machinepatchWallet Mobile TerminalGet itemgetRedeem itempostSearch for Member's rewardsgetShopify TerminalGet itemgetRedeem itempostRefund transactionpostWallet Web TerminalGet itemgetRedeem itempostRefund transactionpostWix TerminalGet itemgetRedeem itempostRefund transactionpostWooCommerce TerminalGet itemgetRedeem itempostRefund transactionpostREVIEW ANALYTICSAnalyticsGet distinct wallet sessionsgetCount total sessionsgetCount new sessionsgetCount referring sitesgetCount exit clicksgetCount authenticated sessionsgetGet wallet object counts within a given time framegetGet wallet object counts within a given time frame that have a valid phone verification tokengetGet session activitygetGet session activity by wallet page view IDgetGet a campaign's wallet page viewsgetGet a static voucher's wallet page viewsgetGet wallet page views of itemgetCount membersgetCount redeemed pointsgetCount refunded pointsgetGet redeemed amoun̥t of tiersgetGet refunded amount of tiersgetCount merchant creditsgetGet redeemed amount of merchant creditsgetGet refunded amount of merchant creditsgetCount help desk requestsgetCount daily help desk requestsgetCount resolved help desk requests by dategetCount unresolved help desk requests by dategetCount resolved help desk requests by employeegetCount TCPA (STOP) entries by dategetCount TCPA (STOP) entries by phone numbergetCount created TCPA Filter entries by dategetCount deleted TCPA Filter entries by dategetCount opt in list subscribersgetCount opt in list subscribers by dategetCount opt in list subscribersgetCount opt in list subscribersgetCount created broadcasts by dategetCount scheduled broadcasts by dategetCount scheduled broadcasts by phone numbergetCount scheduled SMS broadcasts by dategetCount scheduled broadcasts by employeegetGet execution time of completed broadcastsgetCount sent outbound messages by phone numbergetCount sent outbound messages by dategetCount delivered outbound messages by phone numbergetCount delivered outbound messages by dategetCount ad credits by value typegetCount ad credits by payment designgetCount ad credits by employeegetCount scans of ad credits by dategetCount scans of ad credits by Ad CreditgetCount redemptions of ad credits by dategetCount redemptions of ad credits by Ad CreditgetGet redemption amount of ad credits by dategetGet redemption amount of ad credits by Ad CreditgetCount refunds of ad credits by dategetCount refunds of ad credits by Ad CreditgetGet refund amount of ad credits by dategetGet refund amount of ad credits by Ad CreditgetCount dynamic vouchers by payment designgetCount dynamic vouchers by employeegetCount redemptions of dynamic vouchers by dategetCount redemptions of dynamic vouchers by dynamic vouchergetGet redemption amount of dynamic vouchers by dategetGet redemption amount of dynamic vouchers by dynamic vouchergetCount refunds of dynamic vouchers by dategetCount refunds of dynamic vouchers by dynamic vouchergetGet refund amount of dynamic vouchers by dategetGet refund amount of dynamic vouchers by dynamic vouchergetCount campaigns by value typegetCount campaigns by payment designgetCount campaigns by employeegetCount created campaigns by campaigngetGet offer vs redeemed amount by campaigngetCount redemptions of campaigns by dategetCount redemptions of campaigns by CampaigngetGet redemption amount of campaigns by dategetGet redemption amount of campaigns by CampaigngetGet refund amount of campaigns by dategetGet refund amount of campaigns by CampaigngetGet refund amount of campaigns by dategetGet refund amount of campaigns by CampaigngetGet refund amount of campaigns by CampaigngetGet refund amount of campaigns by CampaigngetGet refund amount of campaigns by CampaigngetGet refund amount of campaigns by CampaigngetDashboard SummariesCount new sessionsgetCount PerformancesgetCount tiersgetCount membersgetCount POS MachinesgetCount POS TransactionsgetCount POS redemptionsgetCount POS refundsgetCount Outbound SMSgetCount employeesgetCount active static vouchersgetCount phone numbersgetCount opt in listsgetCount opt in sourcesgetCount Apple Wallet SubscribersgetCount Wallet page viewsgetCount News ArticlesgetCount PerformancesgetCHANGE SETTINGSBilling & PaymentsGet usage summarygetSave payment methodputVerify payment methodgetGet merchant's industrygetSet payment method as defaultpostGet payment methodsgetGet subscriptiongetGet invoicesgetGet upcoming invoicesgetChange billing planputCancel billing plandeleteGet add-on productsgetBuy add-on productpostGet special offersgetBuy special offerpostEmployeesCreate employee peerpostSet profile pictureputUpdate peerputGet employee infogetGet employee's permissionsgetMark alerts as readpatchGet all messagesgetMark messages as readpatchChanges the employee's email notification preference to enabled or disabledputGet peer permissionsgetAPI KeysGet API KeysgetGet API KeygetUpdate API KeyputArchive API KeydeleteCreate API KeypostModify peer's rolesputRemove peer from all rolesdeleteAdd peer to rolespostExport static voucher campaignputPresign file for uploadpostCreate filepostGet URL for file downloadgetGet URL to download a failed importgetImport club memberspostExport club membersputUpdate club membersputImport merchant creditspostExport merchant creditsputCreate employee alertgetMark export data files as readputGet peer activitygetSend help desk responsepostResolve help desk requestpatchGet all opt in list sourcesgetGet opt in list sourcegetGet all dynamic vouchersgetCreate media filepostDelete media filedeleteGet all media filesgetCreate documentpostDelete documentdeleteGet all documentsgetSchedule SMS Campaign BroadcastpostSchedule Simple SMS broadcast to listpostSchedule Simple SMS broadcast to recipientpostSchedule Dynamic Voucher to listpostSchedule Dyanamic Voucher to recipientpostSchedule Ad CreditpostAuthenticationLoginpostRetrieve session token statusgetLogoutdeleteRegisterpostMerchantUpdate merchant detailsputUpdate billing contactputUpdate POS IntegrationputGet all employeesgetGet public representative employees of the merchantgetGet wallet configurationgetGet custom rolesgetGet all phone numbersgetGet phone numbergetGet all TCPA FiltersgetGet help desk requestsgetGet inbound SMSesgetCount inbound SMSesgetGet inbound SMSes by pagegetExport inbound messagesputGet outbound SMSesgetExport outbound messagesputGet all opt in listsgetGet opt in listgetGet all imported listsgetGet imported listgetGet all simple SMS broadcastsgetGet all dynamic voucher broadcastsgetGet all ad credit broadcastsgetGet all static voucher campaign broadcastsgetArchive payment object broadcastdeleteArchive MerchantdeleteSystemGet role's audit loggetGet rolegetDelete roledeleteUpdate roleputGet employees with rolegetGet webpages for rolegetCreate rolepostGet payment prefixesgetCountriesGet all Countries with ISO abbreviations & Telephone country code prefixesgetIndustriesGet all Industries & Pricing PlansgetGet all Industries & Pricing Plans with trimmed metadatagetGet all white-labeled custom domains by industrygetWALLET UI/UXCustomerGet all static vouchersgetGet active static vouchersgetGet upcoming static vouchersgetGet expired static vouchersgetGet redeemed static vouchersgetGet refunded static vouchersgetFind members with phone numberpostFind members with memberIDpostGet Wallet Views for SessiongetWallet ConfigurationUpdate wallet recordputUpdate payment design for merchant creditsputInteractionsIdentify itemgetRequest Merchant URLpostGet payment objects with token NOTE: This route exists because a token can completely change the dataset returned to the client. A simple fetch just logs the token with the request, but a fetchWithToken request can have a very different object returned to the client.postGet page with token NOTE: This route exists because a token can completely change the dataset returned to the client. A simple fetch just logs the token with the request, but a fetchWithToken request can have a very different object returned to the client.postGet a customer's static vouchers on the basis of a given voucher IDgetGet a customer's static vouchers on the basis of a given voucher IDgetGet static vouchergetGet dynamic vouchergetGet member informationgetCreate ad credit scanpostGet multiple credit scans w/ array of IDspostGet vanity handlegetGet ICS for live eventgetDownload a representative's Virtual Business CardgetDownload a non-representative's Virtual Business CardgetCreate email subscriberpostCreate sms subscriberpostUpdate ticketputUpdate ticketpostWEBHOOKSVisitors.Authentiation.successpostpostVisitors.CalendarEvent.downloadedpostpostVisitors.BusinessCard.downloadedpostpostSubscribers.Email.opt_inpostpostSubscribers.SMS.default_opt_inpostpostSubscribers.SMS.keyword_opt_inpostpostCustomers.StaticVoucher.redeemedpostpostCustomers.StaticVoucher.refundedpostpostCustomers.Prize.redeemedpostpostCustomers.Prize.refundedpostpostCustomers.DynamicVoucher.redeemedpostpostCustomers.DynamicVoucher.refundedpostpostCustomers.MerchantCredit.redeemedpostpostCustomers.MerchantCredit.refundedpostpostCustomers.Ticket.redeemedpostpostCustomers.Ticket.claimedpostpostCustomers.Ticket.unclaimedpostpostMembers.Points.redeemedpostpostMembers.Points.refundedpostpostMembers.Tier.redeemedpostpostMembers.Tier.refundedpostpostWalletPlatform.LedgerEntry.createdpostpostWalletPlatform.Invoice.createdpostpostWalletPlatform.Invoice.paidpostpostWalletPlatform.Subscription.changedpostpostWalletPlatform.AddOn.purchasedpostpostWalletPlatform.PaymentMethod.addedpostpostRegisterpost https://api.wall.et/authentication/register