about 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Wallet Configuration: Can now customize the icon in the header on the Company Info page.
- Wallet UI: Promo Codes page now uses an ellipsis to prevent long descriptions from pushing the barcode off the page.
- SMS My Lists: Renamed to My Recipient Lists
- SMS My Recipient Lists: Can now navigate directly to the Create New SMS page with the list loaded and ready to message.
- SMS My Recipient Lists: Now sorted in descending order for cleaner UX.
- SMS Opt-In Keywords: Can now navigate directly to the Create New SMS page with the keyword loaded and ready to message.
- SMS Create New: Users can now navigate from other pages and the page will adapt based on where they're coming from.
- SMS Create New: Several UX enhancements and bug fixes:
- Users must now click Preview before they can Schedule or Launch their messages
- Tips have been added.
- Buttons have been colored to indicate importance and severity.
- Media File and Dynamic Voucher buttons are now separate from Schedule / Launch.
- Voucher window is now hidden by default. Width of voucher window now fixed so it doesn't get squished on low resolution browsers.
- Bug fix: Dynamic Vouchers glitch in the Wallet UI when navigating to/from. Polling mechanism fixed.
about 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Wallet UI: Scrolling inconsistencies in Safari iOS browser has been resolved.
- Wallet UI: Removal of legacy files and folders. Reorganizing of CSS rules for improved maintenance and future enhancements.
- SMS Numbers: Data export now has better UX for notifying the user when its complete.
- SDK: PHP Package successfully deployed to Packagist.org: https://packagist.org/packages/wallet/wallet
- SDK: PHP Package deployments automatically synchronized with Packagist.org so clients always get the latest version of the codebase.
about 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Wallet UI: New header image added to Company Info page
- Wallet UI: Schema updated to support custom icon in Company Info page
- Wallet UI: Changed font to Poppins
- Analytics - Customer Sessions: Selected items in menu now remain highlighted.
- Dynamic Vouchers: Additional validation during redemption process to prevent duplicate transactions.
- Dynamic Vouchers: Additional validation during refund process, to ensure that a session key is provided.
- Web Terminal: Improved layout for low resolution browsers.
about 2 years ago by John Turnham
- SMS Numbers: Stats are now color-coded for better UX, in the inbound & outbound message logs.
- SMS Sources: The 4x6 image has been increased in height and width by 5% to give merchants some margins when printing and cutting the graphic for display.
- SMS Numbers: Merchants are no longer required to provide their own Privacy Policy & Terms of Service details. Consumers are now presented with Wallet Inc's privacy policy & ToS when subscribing to a merchant's number.
- Admin Portal: Many 404s were being generated for images referenced in CSS files that do not exist on the server. Those references have been removed, to reduce the number of 404s generated on the servers.
- Wallet Configuration: Schema updated to support a new header image for the Company Info page.
- CSV Template Downloads: Buttons changed from "Download Samples" to "Download Templates".
- Bug fix: Exporting voucher campaign broadcasts from the SMS Numbers page now generates the correct filtered data in CSV.
about 2 years ago by John Turnham
- SMS Numbers: Removal of privacy policy & terms of service URLs. Replaced with our policy & ToS for streamlined merchant onboarding and simplification.
- Wallet UI: Top-left navigation menu button is now disabled during page loading/rendering, to prevent page rendering conflicts during async loading of data and page elements.
- Wallet Frame: New page for better presentation of Wallet UI contents when viewed on a desktop browser.
- Gallery: Drag/drop functionality added.
- SMS Lists: New lists are set to "Active" by default now.
- Link Shortener: URL format now validated for http or https.
- Live Chat: Merchants are now provided with a Live Chat account upon account creation, so they can begin receiving chat messages, prior to purchasing or using this feature.
- Admin Portal: General UI improvements for layout rendering on different browser resolutions.
- Admin Portal: File upload controls now styled with bootstrap.
- Bug fix: Wallet Configuration page was showing a black page when the merchant didn't have a vanity URL configured. Now fixed.
- Bug fix: Customer Sessions page was not working in production due to an outdated version of the visitor microservice running in prod. Service updated. Now fixed.
- Bug fix: Merchant Credit now resets the font color for the payment design.
- Bug fix: When searching for a US-based customer by their phone number, the country flag would display Canada instead of US. Now fixed.
- Bug fix: Color picker overlapping issue with form fields. Z-index updated. Now fixed.
over 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Admin Portal: Page "tips" added to the first batch of pages to assist users.
- Pricing: Removed POS integration from most low-level plans.
- Pricing: New specialized plan available for merchants that we've invited onto the platform.
- API & SDK: Package generation for NPM, Python (PyPi), and PHP (Packagist) now creates separate git repos.
- Bug fix: Wallet UI displaying values * 100 as a result of a previous enhancement for Static Voucher "display" values. Now fixed.
over 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Wallet UI: Now supports Facebook Pixel tracking.
- Admin Portal: Top navigation menu now has text under icons for better UX.
- SMS Sources: New image dimensions which support a 4x6 picture frame.
- SMS Numbers: Stats laid out horizontally instead of vertically.
- Wallet UI: Gallery now has a Lightbox feature, so users can click images for full display.
- SMS Help Desk: Reserved keywords are no longer allowed for triggering support.
over 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Club Members: Bulk updating of members now supports the changing of tiers.
- Bug fix: Saving the configuration of an SMS Keyword was not working due to new support for multiple media files in inbound & outbound messages. Now fixed.
- Experiments: New lightbox library added for Gallery popups in the Wallet UI.
over 2 years ago by John Turnham
- Hotfix: News, Events, & Promo Codes would not allow new items to be created. Now fixed.
over 2 years ago by John Turnham
- SMS (all pages): Now supports multiple media files per message, for both inbound & outbound messages.
- News: New toggle for Media Files, to view all, or just the files for this page.
- Events: New toggle for Media Files, to view all, or just the files for this page.
- Promo Codes: New toggle for Media Files, to view all, or just the files for this page.
- Registration: Correct currency is automatically selected for the merchant during registration, based on their chosen country.
- SMS Help Desk: Step-by-step instructions provided for 1-Click Opt-In Button & Website QR Code.
- SMS Keywords: Step-by-step instructions provided for 1-Click Opt-In Button & Website QR Code.
- Bug fix: SVG logos were not rendering in the SMS Opt-In Sources page, in the printable barcode signage feature. Now fixed.