over 2 years ago by John Turnham
- SMS Numbers: Stats are now color-coded for better UX, in the inbound & outbound message logs.
- SMS Sources: The 4x6 image has been increased in height and width by 5% to give merchants some margins when printing and cutting the graphic for display.
- SMS Numbers: Merchants are no longer required to provide their own Privacy Policy & Terms of Service details. Consumers are now presented with Wallet Inc's privacy policy & ToS when subscribing to a merchant's number.
- Admin Portal: Many 404s were being generated for images referenced in CSS files that do not exist on the server. Those references have been removed, to reduce the number of 404s generated on the servers.
- Wallet Configuration: Schema updated to support a new header image for the Company Info page.
- CSV Template Downloads: Buttons changed from "Download Samples" to "Download Templates".
- Bug fix: Exporting voucher campaign broadcasts from the SMS Numbers page now generates the correct filtered data in CSV.