
  • GDPR: New cookie & privacy policy prompt in the Wallet UI.
  • Customer Sessions: New page for viewing activity in the merchant's wallet. Heatmap provided with modal popup on click, providing detailed info on activity within a specific timeframe.
  • Memberships (Tiers): Merchants can now preview payment designs for tiers & points on the Membership Tiers page. Much better UX, since they no longer need to navigate to the Payment Design page to view which item in the drop-down menu is connected with which design.
  • Memberships (Points): Added country code & flag to club member search by phone number.
  • Login: Updated with better messaging and routing for new merchants which are verifying their email address.
  • Login: Added auto-logout feature for support of our new Chrome browser extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dfbacijefbcabjnngipfnbhcpoldlkcg
  • Upgrade page: Enhanced page with better messaging, styling, and clarity for merchants to identify which plans provide more value for them.
  • Perks: Updated perks section to reward merchants for blogging, sharing us on social media, or providing us with a testimonial.
  • Image Grid: Improved UI to handle images of varying height and width dimensions, without distortion.
  • Quick Links: Updated with new drag & drop functionality for better UX.
  • ClickFunnels: New support for registering merchants without a credit card or payment info.
  • PHP: New client library (SDK) is now generated for PHP developers.
  • Python: New client library (SDK) is now generated for Python developers.
  • Wallet UI: A bug fix for verified user's access to certain pages.
  • Authentication: Fix for overly-aggressive IDOR security that prevented all access to specific endpoints.
  • Media Files: Patch for media files with "null" string value in URL field and references to an old CDN.